Website SEO / Online Marketing Audit

Our website audit will tell you what’s wrong with your site, what opportunities you have and to achieve your goals. You can then chose to do it yourself or get us on the case.

Audits start from $1,000.


Most people know where they want their website or web presence to be but they are not always sure how to get there. The reason is simple: They don’t know where they are! Our audits establish this and the possible routes you can take to achieve your goals.

link2light audits are not automated. Real people consider your website, your current position, your goals and what can be done to get you there. Other audits that follow a ‘one hat fits all’ static approach rarely produce useful and insightful information that will achieve results.

To be truly effective every website needs individual consideration. The cost of doing this varies on depending on its size and complexity. Fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you with a quote for auditing your website.